Corten Fire Pit Rings

corten plant rings unweathered ship steel fire pit rings NZ wide

All corten shipped direct to your home address

Corten tree rings come in many different radii and heights

corten fire pit ring

corten ring, 300mm radius, 200mm tall

corten double fire pit ring

outer ring 600mm radius, inner ring 450mm radius, 300mm tall

full size fire pit ring

corten ring, 450mm radius,  300mm tall

Corten ring prices below- 3mm thick plate steel

available in 200mm, 250mm, 300mm, 375mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm radii

available in 100mm, 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, 500mm, 600mm, 700mm and 900mm heights

corten plant ring dimensions
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corten plant rings unweathered

ring prices

    Corten steel tree rings are much stronger and quicker to install than any other garden rings

Quick and easy to install,just drive the corten stakes in, no need for special tools

corten rounded corners tree ring

90 deg and 45 deg preformed corners can be supplied, making corners simple to set out.

corten planter using 4 quarter curved section

It is recommended that the buried portions of the metal be coated with a bitumen damp proof membrane such as Fostoc Mulseal Plus or equivalent
Check the information on life span here here