Corten Fence Palings

corten paling widths

Corten steel palings come in 3 widths, 125mm, 175mm and 200mm wide

Corten fence paling side profile

175mm corten palings with 100mm gap

Corten steel palings have 3 pre-drilled 11.0mm diameter holes in the base for either fixing to joist with 10mm stainless steel bolls or sliding reo through when imbedding in concrete

corten fence palings fixed to concrte plinth

Corten steel 2400mm x 125mm Fence palings

Close-up pick of corten palings bolted to concrete foundation plinth

corten vertical panel fence

Corten steel makes long lasting garden fence palings

vertical corten posts used as fence

Corten steel posts used as a fence

corten vertical fence pailings

Corten fence palings come in 125mm, 175mm and 200mm wide profiles

Different height and width palings

corten steel fence uprights

Corten steel palings at different heights

wellington corten fence

Corten steel at the Wellington waterfront

corten upright panel fence

Corten steel fence using vertical fence palings

corten panels for vertical fence

Tall corten panels used as fence

Modern garden using corten steel pickets, that sways in the wind

corten fence paing bolted to concrete diagram

Corten fence paling either bolted to based or set in concrete footing

28th Oct 2024